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Arturo J. González AscasoOffline

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      admin uploaded the file: Group logo of Success histories10 Good practices in gender equality to Success histories in the group Success histories

      3 months, 1 week ago

      Scientific journals guarantee that the results of research and the major breakthroughs in all knowledge areas are published as articles, regularly, flexibly and relatively quickly, in structured texts of reasonable length, which have also been validated by experts in the content field as part of the peer review process.
      Journals are key factors in science, academic careers and scientific communication, and accordingly they play a central role in the important issue of ensuring gender equality in scientific research and its social impact.
      This issue, which is a centrepiece of European regulations and legislation, has now reached a point where it is possible to talk about a real institutional commitment to gender equality. However, laws, regulations, protocols for action and recommendations are not enough in themselves – an effort and the desire to act are needed if the goal of equality is to be achieved. Sound science with a gender perspective is positive for society in general, which is why it must be adopted as part of the evaluation of research quality.


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