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Prácticas ecológicas

Home Community Forums Other topics Prácticas ecológicas

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    Green practices implemented in the project
    – Reduction of paper use: the use of digital formats was encouraged instead of physical formats during meetings and training activities.
    – Sustainable transportation: Participants in face-to-face activities were encouraged to use sustainable means of transportation, such as carpooling or public transportation.
    – Environmental awareness: Information sessions were organized within the partner organizations to ensure that all environmental measures were understood and implemented.
    – Videoconferencing: To reduce the environmental impact related to transportation, videoconferencing was regularly used as a means of communication between partners.
    Methodological guide and training: References were made to climate change in the “Methodological guide for training to contribute to sustainable development in higher education”. In addition, the environment and its relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was part of the contents of the training course for professors, thus strengthening sustainability education in academia.
    . Temperature adjustment: In the premises where face-to-face activities took place, measures were adopted to reduce energy consumption, such as lowering the temperature by two degrees during the winter and raising it by two degrees in summer.

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