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Arturo J. González AscasoOffline

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      admin uploaded the file: Group logo of Training methodologyTraining Methods. A Review and Analysis to Training methodology in the group Training methodology

      3 months, 1 week ago

      In reviewing training methods reported in the literature, 13 were identified: case study, games-based training, internship, job rotation, job shadowing, lecture, mentoring and apprenticeship, programmed instruction, role-modeling, role play, simulation, stimulus-based training, and team-training. The nature and characteristics of these
      training methods and the relationships among them were analyzed using the following seven criteria: learning modality, learning environment, trainer presence, proximity, interaction level, cost considerations, and time demands. Results from this in-depth review suggest that the majority of training methods are not interactive, involve doing, and are off-the-job. As expected, it also concluded that technological advancements have expanded the delivery mode to various distance options. Profiles for the 13 identified training methods generated from this research should assist practitioners in selecting training methods most suitable for their needs and circumstances and serve as a platform for future research and development.

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